Thursday, July 26, 2007

Graham's week got even worse! His first INJURY!

Graham's left thumbnail was torn off at Dominick's today. Mishap with the conveyor belt as we checked out. Luckily, we were close to his Doctor's office so we went straight there. They recommended we let what little was holding it on just fall off naturally.

Our poor baby is going to have no thumbnail!! He was very upset at first, but then got over it. He didn't even mind when the Dr. was checking to see how much of the nail was still holding on...all they did was bandage it and say wait it out.

Well, Graham was having NONE of the bandaid! He hated it which forced Momma and Daddy to perform a little bandage surgery ourselves...thus the bandaid and athletic tape now wrapping his thumb so he will not tear the nail off before it is ready to come off on its own!

What a ROUGH week!!


Anonymous said...

keep him away from escalators!!!!

-uncle jOe

Anonymous said...

whats with you gitterle's and losing finger parts???? poor baby

Anonymous said...

feel better Graham!! :)