Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nelson walks!!

HOLY COW NELSON IS WALKING. Today, he literally stood up in the middle of the room and took FIVE steps!!! There was no cajoling him to walk, or practicing. He simply WALKED. And MULTIPLE steps! This isn't the greatest video, cause he's practically running in it--but you can see how FEARLESS he is--HE IS ONLY 10 months old!!!!!

Happiness at the Arteta's

Graham and Nelson got a new toy that they love!Kisses on an early Monday morning.

Look at Graham wearing Momma's glasses!

Momma and Daddy had a little party!

FUN with Graham!Nelson was liking Dave!
Graham hanging out with Tio Jorge
Marissa and Nelson

Ernesto's 40th Birthday!

Just being cute!
Is Nelson kidding me with that smile?

Nelson does a somersault

Nelson says hello, stands and claps

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I know that we've been away for a while...but Momma got a new job and doesn't have as much free time as before.

Here are photos of me and Grandma in Greenville, South Carolina, where Momma's new company, TIC Properties, is located. I was an ANGEL on the plane, and the whole trip too!

Thanks to Grandma for coming to SC to play with me and to Abuela for watching Graham back in the Chi!

Greenville has this awesome waterfalls park in the middle of downtown..and did you see me in that hat and sunglasses? I promptly threw the hat down and we lost it!

Hanging in the hotel room...I walked around that couch and table 100 times for three days!