Sunday, June 29, 2008

An accidental visit!

We ran into Monica, Nelson's Godmother, coming home from the Taste of Chicago. She just graduated from medical school. Nelson is very proud of her, as you can see. Nelson LOVES the Taste of Chicago. He will eat ANYTHING--look at his side of the stroller!

Visiting with our friends, The Nelson's and The Warner's

Alex, Katie and Nelson. They are all 3 weeks apart. Nelson is the oldest.

Teddy, Ben and Graham--they are 6 months apart.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Look who is brushing their GUMS--cause he has NO TEETH.

And PS--he CLIMBED on the chair himself. He's crazy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

WAKE UP DADDY!! It's your day and time to play!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Just a Friday morning at the Arteta household

Bubble Hair!

Playing at FACES waterpark on Michigan Avenue

Nelson's first time there!! Graham is having FUN!
Nelson and Momma

Playing at the little park with all our friends

Shelly and Emily (where's Allison???) Aimee, Katherine and new baby Megan (and Emily running to get in the shot!)

Moms, Pops and Tots Final Class Party!

Playing at Riley Stunard's birthday party!

Graham, Riley and Olive Look at that big boy on the bike!

Lincoln Park Zoo

Graham got hot and was hiding himself. Graham is OBSESSED with vehicles. He got to sit on a TRACTOR!
Petting the goat.
Graham actually cared more about jumping off the thing the goats were on and playing in the water they drink than the actual goats.
Nelson just being his cute self. One day he can interact with all the fun stuff we do!