Sunday, January 28, 2007

Me, Momma and Daddy at my party!

Thank you Grandma, Poppa, Great Aunt Vikki, Auntie Nettie for your help with the party. It was the best first birthday party EVER!


Thank you Auntie Nettie!

Thank you everyone!! Kisses!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

525, 600 Minutes....

This was made for me by Auntie Margo. It instantly made Momma cry. I love and thank you Margo!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

I have been SO SO busy!

I haven't been able to post recently because I have been achieving much in my short lifetime. Here are all my recent milestones...

  1. Can now say DADA in addition to MAMA
  2. I can blow kisses...over and over again
  3. I can clap--I think much in life is worth applauding
  4. I can walk..I pick and choose when and where, but do not fret, I can do it if I want to.
  5. I can tell you how big I am, and lest you forget, it is "SOOOO big. "
I may let Momma videotape me doing some of these things...but I haven't decided yet. Keep checking my blog and we'll see.

Next up: how old am I and bye bye.