Thursday, December 21, 2006

Graham's newest 3rd cousin

Danny Marr was born to Jonathan and Kait Marr on December 20th.
He was 7 pounds and 19 inches.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Making friends!

From left to right....Susan and baby Mckenna, Michelle and baby Joey and me and Momma.

Susan and Michelle were cheerleaders when Momma was the coach at UIC. They all had babies the same year!! Isn't that crazy!!

McKenna and I liked looking at Joey!

The playroom rocks! It is SO SO much fun!


Me and my pacifiers

Did you know that you can never have TOO many pacifiers?? At least one for each hand and one in my mouth.

I learned this from my oldest cousin, Matt!

Graham eats goulash on YOUTUBE

Oh my goodness, do you think this baby wants to start eating adult food?? Keep watching, he is really, really into it!!

Sleepy baby

I have clearly woken up too early and am SOOOOOO tired that I have put my head down to rest...IN MY TOY BOX!!! That is too, too sleepy.

I think perhaps I need to sleep longer in the morning than 6am!!

Me and first neighborhood friend!!

Can't wait until Isaac can crawl so that we can play, play, play!

Decorating my First Christmas Tree!!

See me tasting the decorations before Daddy puts them on the tree?? They were good!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Graham can say MAMA!!

It's offically his first word, though I don't believe he knows what it means.
Nettie and Beth thought he said it Sunday but Ern and I didn't agree.

He started saying MA yesterday and then today was definitely stringing multi-MAs together.

His Nanny Toni said he was saying it non-stop at his library class today too!

I am trying to get it on video, but he instantly becomes memerized with the camera and won't do anything but stare!


Graham's MOMMA

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The latest with me!

I think it is hysterical to knock over the lamp! Momma says NO and I just laugh and laugh!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Graham and Poppa on YouTube

Watch Graham play with Poppa's hair!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Look at me sneaking into the tiniest corners and thinking I am funny! Posted by Picasa

I've been sick for 3 days and I can still be smiley and ridiculously cute! Posted by Picasa

Jackson and me!!! We've been playing all day! Posted by Picasa

Graham was sleepy when Vickie Belva Dixon came to visit!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Momma and Daddy can't get enough photos of me holding stuff in my mouth!! Posted by Picasa

Uncle John had 15 free minutes while in Chicago and chose to come see me!! Thank you and love you! Posted by Picasa

Love this puzzle from Jorge! Posted by Picasa

Tio Jorge came and saw me at home!!!! We watched the Bears lose--so sad! Posted by Picasa

Uncle Scott came to visit me once again!!  Posted by Picasa

I like to be in boxes!! Posted by Picasa

Today is sponsored by the LETTER H Posted by Picasa

My new thing is holding stuff in my mouth while I use my now FREE hands!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm still under the dining room table!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I still love playing underneath things! Mommy and Daddy have to get me out of here at least 10 times a day! Posted by Picasa

Playing with my high-chair! Posted by Picasa

Me and Ben on Halloween Posted by Picasa

My first friend party!! That's Ben in the lion outfit and Teddy in a monkey costume jumping off the couch! Me and Teddy were both monkeys.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My costume even came with a monkey too! Do you see my tail? And how about my feet!! I am too cute! Posted by Picasa